今天 Kuberentes 已经成为IT基础设施的重要玩家,容器编排领域的事实标准。写于3年前的文章不要自建 Kuberentes 的观点已经被绝大多数的企业所认可和接受。
然而同众多企业接触中发现,企业有很高的意愿采用 Kuberentes 管理工作负载,并且已有大量的企业已经将 Kuberentes 用于生产环境。 但如何对多套不同阶段的 Kuberentes 集群来做持续部署,做到高安全性、权限分离、可审计、保证业务团队的敏捷等需求感到困惑。 目前客户实现方式非常多样,并没有很好的遵循业界的最佳实践。
Read MoreAs a builder in cloud, you might feel confused about which resources cost mostly in your account.
In AWS, you can quickly find out which services even functionality cost a lot via AWS Billing or AWS Cost Explorer. However sometimes it sucks on finding out which functions cost mostly if you have hundreds of Lambda …
Read MoreThough you're administrator of your AWS account, you probably see below warnings when viewing your cluster in EKS console.
Your current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes objects on this EKS cluster.
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Construct Hub is a web portal to collect the constructs for AWS CDK, CDK8s and CDKtf. The construct could support multiple programming languages, such as Javascript/TypeScript, Python, Java and C#. Actually the construct is developed by TypeScript, then it's compiled as across languages library by jsii! Any npm/pypi …
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近期在一个 Webinar 分享了如何在 AWS 上服务去中心化研发团队构建共享服务平台,核心观点总结如下,
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AWS一直提倡架构的完善(AWS Well-Architected),混沌工程正是卓越运营和可靠性支柱的实践。 因此在 re:Invent 2020 AWS发布了Fault Injection Simulator服务来简化开发者在AWS上的混动工程实践。
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